
172 Reviews volume will undoubtedly become the standard discussion of its subject if only because of mass of material carefully and accurately sifted and ananged from numerous charters, diplomas, cartularies, notarial and inquisitional registers, famtiy archives and other documents of the time. John O. Ward Department of History University of Sydney Pistarino, Geo, Genovesi d'Oriente (Civico Istituto Colombiano: Studi e testi, serie storica, No. 14), Genoa, Civico Istituto Colombiano, 1990; paper; pp. 526; 13 plates; R.R.P. ? This is the second in the series of reprints of Geo Pistarino's incredible number of papers on the history of medieval Genoa and the Mediterranean world. Recently retired as director of the Istituto di Medievistica della Universitd di Genova, Pistarino was persuaded by his many students to re-issue some of his more important papers in 'collected studies' form. This volume follows I Gin dell'Oltremare (reviewed in Parergon, n.s. 8 (1990), p. 184). As in the previous volume, Pistarino has taken the opportunity to not only reprint his work of many years but also to update it and to combine various pieces into new forms. This is not a lazy scholar's capitalization on a vast reputation but a genuine new addition to scholarship. Thus chapter one, 'Miraggio di Tenasanta' is fundamentally the article 'Genoa and the Near East in the era of the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem' [in Italian] contributed to The Italian communes in the Crusader Kingdom ofJerusalem (Genoa, 1986) but it has been updated and redrafted. Chapter two, 'Dal declino nel Mare di Levantetiacristiani ed islamici alia conquista del Mar Nero' is a revised version of 'From Genoa to Outremer in the thirteenth-fourteenth centuries' [in Italian], originally published in Studi in memoria di Mario Abrate (Turin, 1986), but again revised. Chapter three 'Da Genova alia Cina nel tempo del Gran Khan' embodies new work although it is based on the study 'From Genoa to China in the fourteenth century' [in Italian] in Studi Balcanici (Rome, 1989). But here an eleven-page article has become one of 99 pages. For scholars interested in European travels in Asia in the Middle Ages, this expanded study is invaluable. Chapter four, 'Duecentocinquanf anni dei Genovesi a Chio' is an amalgamation of four studies: 'In Genoese "Romania" between Greeks and Turks' [in Italian] originally published in Rivista Storica Italiana 73 (1961); 'Between Genoa and Chios in past and present' [in Italian] in Liguria 55, no. 12 (1984); 'Between land and sea in the Aegean: the island of Chios' [in Italian] in Columbus 92, V, n. 1 (34) (Genoa, 1989); and 'The Genoese in the island of the Venti' [in Italian] in Columbus 92, VI, n. 11 (51) (Genoa, 1990). Reviews 173 Chapterfive,'La caduta di Costantinopoli: da Pera genovese a Galata turca' is a re-defined study of 101 pages based on three earlier studies. Chapter six, 'I Gattilusio di Lesbo e d'Enos, signore neti'Egeo' is an expanded version of 'The Genoese in the Levant between the decline of Constantinople and the Ottoman Empire' [in Italian] published in Aspetti della vita economica medievale. Atti del Convegno di studi nel x anniversario della morte di Federigo Melis GTlorence 1985). Chapter seven, 'Maona e mercanti genovesi a Cipro' is a revised version of 'Genoese documentary sources for the medieval history of Cyprus' [in Italian] in the Second international congress of Cypriot studies, Nicosia, 20-25 April 1982 (Genoa, 1986). Thefinalchapter, 'La caduta di Caffa: diaspora in Oriente' is a new study prepared for the TV Symposium international, Nessebre, may 1988. This bare recitation of what is contained in this volume, which is all that space will allow, hardly does justice to it. Pistarino is a master of the extraordinarily voluminous Genoese archives. His expertise is unrivalled. The present volume constitutes a valuable new addition not only to the history of the Genoese abroad in the medieval Meditenanean but also to the broader spectrum of late medieval Meditenanean history. John H. Pryor Department of History University of Sydney Piatt, Colin, The architecture of medieval Britain: a social history, photographs by Anthony Kersting, N e w Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1990; cloth; pp. x, 325; 375 colour and monochrome...

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