
The objectives of this study were to understand the relationships among various traits of the crop and to assess genotype profile suitable for semi-arid rainfed conditions. Experiments were conducted over 2 years at five locations to evaluate the performance of 10 sesame varieties in Randomized Complete Block Design. Significant variations were observed among the varieties for most studied traits with a consistent Genotype X Environment interaction. The genotype by yield*trait combination (GYT) biplot which captured 94.73% of the total variation showed that the key traits for a superior sesame variety in rainfed conditions of semi-arid regions are unbranched or few branches, earliness, medium height and short HIPC. The GYT biplot identified some superior sesame varieties as good for a specific trait or a group of traits. Based on the levels in combining yield with other target traits and genotype trait profiles, variety DS 01 was ranked first followed by SN 403. The GYT biplot approach used in this study was found to be very helpful in identifying key traits for superior genotypes of sesame in semi-arid conditions of Niger.

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