
Nitrobenzene is a synthetic compound widely used in industry which can lead to environmental pollution. While the toxicity and carcinogenicity of nitrobenzene on humans and animals have been studied, less is known about its genotoxicity to plants. In this study, the genotoxic effects of nitrobenzene were investigated with growing soybean seedlings in solution culture. Compared with the control, the growth of soybean seedlings (taproot length, longest lateral root length and lateral roots number) decreased and showed statistics difference at nitrobenzene test concentration of 50 and 100mg/L. Micronucleus, chromosomal bridge and others chromosomal aberrations were observed in soybean root tip cells exposed to nitrobenzene. Frequency of chromosomal aberrations increased linearly with nitrobenzene test concentration between 5 and 50mg/L and decreased at 100mg/L which showed significant difference between control and 25mg/L or higher test concentration. Results of the present study suggest that nitrobenzene has genotoxicity on soybean root tip cells. The mechanism of genotoxicity of NB needs further study. It is concluded that high environmental levels of nitrobenzene in rivers, lakes and dam waters are hazardous to aquatic species and to irrigated plants.

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