
Medicinal plants possess several metals obtained naturally or through pollution. The study evaluates the genotoxic potentials and the presence of essential elements and toxic metals in Sesbania sesban var. bicolor (leaves), Cyperus compressus (roots), and Asparagus racemosus (roots), which are used as anthelmintics in the traditional medicine of the Santhals in India. A genotoxicity study was performed in rats as per Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development guidelines. Element contents were evaluated using inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. Administration of S. sesban var. bicolor (400 mg/kg), C. compressus (700 mg/kg) and A. racemosus (500 mg/kg) did not cause any abnormalities in the chromosomes. Elemental analysis revealed the presence of lead (5.00±0.05, 4.98±0.01, 4.99±0.07 ppm), cadmium (4.99±0.04, 4.90±0.03, 5.00±0.08 ppm) and arsenic (0.98±0.03, 0.41±0.05, 0.92±0.03 ppm), respectively. Although their genotoxic potential was lacking, the presence of toxic metals in them is a cause for concern.

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