
Arracacha virus B type (AVB-T) and oca (AVB-O) strains from arracacha (Arracacia xanthorrhiza) and oca (Oxalis tuberosa) samples collected in 1975 and two additional isolates obtained from arracacha (AVB-PX) and potato (AVB-6A) in Peru in 1976 and 1978, respectively, were studied. In its host responses and serological properties, AVB-PX most resembled AVB-T, whereas AVB-6A most resembled AVB-O. Complete genomic sequences of the RNA-1 and RNA-2 of each isolate were obtained following high-throughput sequencing of RNA extracts from isolates preserved for 38 (AVB-PX) or 32 (the other 3 isolates) years, and compared with a genomic sequence of AVB-O obtained previously (PV-0082). RNA-2 was unexpectedly divergent compared to RNA-1, with the nucleotide (nt) sequence identity of different AVB isolates varying by up to 76% (RNA-2) and 89% (RNA-1). The coat protein amino acid sequences were the most divergent, with AVB-O and AVB-6A having only 68% identity to AVB-T and AVB-PX. Since the RNA2 sequence differences between the two isolate groupings also coincided with host range, symptom, and serological differences, AVB demonstrates considerable intraspecific divergence.

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