
Combining breeds in a multibreed evaluation can have a negative impact on prediction accuracy, especially if single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects differ among breeds. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a multibreed genomic relationship matrix (G), where SNP effects are considered to be unique to each breed, that is, nonshared. This multibreed G was created by treating SNP of different breeds as if they were on nonoverlapping positions on the chromosome, although, in reality, they were not. This simple setup may avoid spurious Identity by state (IBS) relationships between breeds and automatically considers breed-specific allele frequencies. This scenario was contrasted to a regular multibreed evaluation where all SNPs were shared, that is, the same position, and to single-breed evaluations. Different SNP densities (9k and 45k) and different effective population sizes (Ne) were tested. Five breeds mimicking recent beef cattle populations that diverged from the same historical population were simulated using different selection criteria. It was assumed that quantitative trait locus (QTL) effects were the same over all breeds. For the recent population, generations 1-9 had approximately half of the animals genotyped, whereas all animals in generation 10 were genotyped. Generation 10 animals were set for validation; therefore, each breed had a validation group. Analyses were performed using single-step genomic best linear unbiased prediction. Prediction accuracy was calculated as the correlation between true (T) and genomic estimated breeding values (GEBV). Accuracies of GEBV were lower for the larger Ne and low SNP density. All three evaluation scenarios using 45k resulted in similar accuracies, suggesting that the marker density is high enough to account for relationships and linkage disequilibrium with QTL. A shared multibreed evaluation using 9k resulted in a decrease of accuracy of 0.08 for a smaller Ne and 0.12 for a larger Ne. This loss was mostly avoided when markers were treated as nonshared within the same G matrix. A G matrix with nonshared SNP enables multibreed evaluations without considerably changing accuracy, especially with limited information per breed.

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