
The dissemination of New Delhi metallo-β-lactamase-5 (NDM-5) among various species of Enterobacterales has attracted serious global attention. Here, we characterise the genomic characterisation of blaNDM-5-IncX3 plasmid (pNDM-KA3) in an ST4 Klebsiella aerogenes (KA3) strain isolated from a neonate with pneumonia. Antimicrobial susceptibility and multilocus sequence typing was performed for the KA3. The plasmid conjugation assay and plasmid stability of the KA3 (pNDM-KA3) were also analysed. The pNDM-KA3 plasmid was further analysed by whole-genome sequencing and comparative analysis to determine the genetic environment of blaNDM-5. The KA3 strain belongs to ST4 and shows high resistance to β-lactam antibiotics, including carbapenems, but is susceptible to ciprofloxacin, amikacin, tigecycline, and colistin. The pNDM-KA3 was successfully transferred to the recipient E. coli J53 and showed strong stability in K. aerogenes. Genomic sequencing revealed that the pNDM-KA3 plasmid was assigned to plasmid incompatibility group X3 with 43367 bp, and a conserved structure sequence of △IS3000-△ISAba125-IS5-blaNDM-5-bleMBL- trpF-dsbC-IS26 was detected upstream and downstream of the blaNDM-5 gene. Further analysis revealed that insertion sequences mediated the dissemination of blaNDM-5 from other species of Enterobacterales. The pNDM-KA3 showed high similarity to blaNDM-5-harbouring plasmids in other species of Enterobacterales, with these plasmids carrying genes for replication (repB), partitioning (parA and parB), stability (hns), and conjugative transfer (virB and virD). Continued monitoring for the dissemination of blaNDM-5 among uncommon Enterobacterales species should be further reinforced.

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