
Sheep are seasonally polyestrous, traditionally breeding when the day length shortens in the autumn. The changing photoperiod stimulates reproductive hormones through a series of chemical pathways, ultimately leading to cyclicity. Some breeds of sheep, such as the Polypay and Dorset, have been selected for reduced seasonality and can lamb year-round. Despite this selection, there is still variation within these breeds in the ability to lamb out of season. The identification of out of season lambing quantitative trait loci has the potential to improve genetic progress using genomic selection schemes. Association studies, fixation index (FST), and runs of homozygosity (ROH) were evaluated to identify regions of the genome that influence the ability of ewes to lamb out of season. All analyses used genotypic data from the Illumina Ovine HD beadchip. Genome-wide associations were tested both across breeds in 257 ewes and within the Dorset and Polypay breeds. FST was measured across breeds and between UK and US Dorsets to assess population differences. ROH were estimated in ewes to identify homozygous regions contributing to out of season lambing. Significant associations after multiple testing correction were found through these approaches, leading to the identification of several candidate genes for further study. Genes involved with eye development, reproductive hormones, and neuronal changes were identified as the most promising for influencing the ewe's ability to lamb year-round. These candidate genes could be advantageous for selection for improved year-round lamb production and provide better insight into the complex regulation of seasonal reproduction.

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