
Renibacterium salmoninarum is one of the oldest known fish bacterial pathogens. This Gram-positive bacterium is the causative agent of Bacterial Kidney Disease (BKD), a chronic infection that primarily infects salmonids at low temperatures. Externally, infected fish may show exophthalmos, skin blisters, ulcerations, and hemorrhages at the base of the fins and along the lateral line. Internally, the kidney, heart, spleen, and liver may show signs of inflammation. The best characterized virulence factor of R. salmoninarum is p57, a 57kDa protein located on the bacterial cell surface and secreted into surrounding fish tissue. The p57 protein in fish is the main mediator in suppressing the immune system, reducing antibody production, and intervening in cytokine activity. In this review, we will discuss aspects such as single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that modify the DNA sequence, variants in the number of copies of MSA genes, physical-chemical properties of the signal peptides, and the limited iron conditions that can modify p57 expression and increase the virulence of R. salmoninarum.

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