
RNA splicing plays an essential role in the expression of eukaryotic genes. We previously showed that KSHV ORF57 is a viral splicing factor promoting viral lytic gene expression. In this report, we compared the splicing profile of viral RNAs in BCBL-1 cells carrying a wild-type (WT) versus the cells containing an ORF57 knock-out (57KO) KSHV genome during viral lytic infection. Our analyses of viral RNA splice junctions from RNA-seq identified 269 RNA splicing events in the WT and 255 in the 57KO genome, including the splicing events spanning large parts of the viral genome and the production of vIRF4 circRNAs. No circRNA was detectable from the PAN region. We found that the 57KO alters the RNA splicing efficiency of targeted viral RNAs. Two most susceptible RNAs to ORF57 splicing regulation are the K15 RNA with eight exons and seven introns and the bicistronic RNA encoding both viral thymidylate synthase (ORF70) and membrane-associated E3-ubiquitin ligase (K3). ORF57 inhibits splicing of both K15 introns 1 and 2. ORF70/K3 RNA bears two introns, of which the first intron is within the ORF70 coding region as an alternative intron and the second intron in the intergenic region between the ORF70 and K3 as a constitutive intron. In the WT cells expressing ORF57, most ORF70/K3 transcripts retain the first intron to maintain an intact ORF70 coding region. In contrast, in the 57KO cells, the first intron is substantially spliced out. Using a minigene comprising of ORF70/K3 locus, we further confirmed ORF57 regulation of ORF70/K3 RNA splicing, independently of other viral factors. By monitoring protein expression, we showed that ORF57-mediated retention of the first intron leads to the expression of full-length ORF70 protein. The absence of ORF57 promotes the first intron splicing and expression of K3 protein. Altogether, we conclude that ORF57 regulates alternative splicing of ORF70/K3 bicistronic RNA to control K3-mediated immune evasion and ORF70 participation of viral DNA replication in viral lytic infection.

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