
The ethylene hormone identification process, which regulates the overall rate of fruit development and formation is heavily dependent on the ethylene-insensitive 3/Ethylene-insensitive3-like (EIN3/EIL) protein family. EIL harmone improve the plant's defense against both biotic and abiotic stresses. Research of the EIL family has been done for many plant species but in cucumber, this Gene family has not been investigated yet. Mining of the cucumber genome has identified four member of the EIL gene family using various bioinformatics tool. EIL proteins in cucumbers clustered into 4 subgroups (groups 1,2,3,4) based on the established cucumber classification. Sequence analysis and phylogeny research showed that CsEIL3 and other EIN3/EIL plant proteins isolated from a progenitor signal at the time of emergence have a high degree of similarity; CsEIN3 is involved in the flower growth process. Comprehensive genome evaluation of the EIL gene family in cucumber provides the ability to analyze and analyze the performance of this gene family.

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