
Accurate taxonomy is essential for microbial biological resource centers, since the microbial resources are often used to support new discoveries and subsequent research. Here, we used genome sequence data, alongside matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer biotyper-based protein profiling, to accurately identify six Enterobacter cloacae complex strains. This approach effectively identified distinct species within the E. cloacae complex, including Enterobacter asburiae, "Enterobacter xiangfangensis," and Enterobacter quasihormaechei. Moreover, the study revealed the existence of a novel species within the Enterobacter genus, for which we proposed the name Enterobacter pasteurii sp. nov. In summary, this study demonstrates the significance of adopting a genome sequence-driven taxonomy approach for the precise identification of bacterial strains in a biological resource center and expands our understanding of the E. cloacae complex.

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