
Part I Definitions and Legislation Raphael Lemkin (1947), Genocide as a crime in international law Matthew Lippman (1998), The convention on the prevention and punishment of the crime of genocide: fifty years later Guglielmo Verdirame (2000), The genocide definition in the jurisprudence of the ad hoc tribunals Catherine Mackinnon (1994), Rape, genocide and women's human rights B. Van Schaack (1997), The crime of political genocide: repairing the genocide convention's blind spot Part II Understanding Genocide and Mass Violations of Rights Helen Fein (1978), A formula for genocide: comparison of the Turkish genocide (1915) and the German Holocaust (1939 - 45) Benjamin Madley (2004), Patterns of frontier genocide 1803 - 1910: the Aboriginal Tasmanians, the Yuki of California, and the Herero of Namibia William A. Schabas (2000), Hate speech in Rwanda: the road to genocide Ervin Staub (1993), The psychology of bystanders, perpetrators, and heroic helpers Michael Mann (2000), Were the perpetrators of genocide ordinary men or real Nazis? results from fifteen hundred biographies Part III Preventing Genocide Barbara Harff (2003), No lessons learned from the Holocaust? assessing risks of genocide and political mass murder since 1955 Louis Rene Beres (1988), Justice and realpolitik: international law and the prevention of genocide Jack Donnelly (2002), Genocide and humanitarian intervention Jonathan I. Charney (1999), Anticipatory humanitarian intervention in Kosovo W. Michael Reisman (1996), Legal responses to genocide and other massive violations of human rights Part IV Punishment and Reconciliation Juan E. Mendez (1997), Accountability for past abuses Stanley Cohen (1995), State crimes of previous regimes: knowledge, accountability, and policing of the past David Wippman (1999 - 2000), Atrocities, deterrence and the limits of international justice Israel W. Charny (2003), A classification of denials of the Holocaust and other genocides John Borneman (2002), Reconciliation after ethnic cleansing: listening, retribution, affiliation.

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