
Since the initial description in 1968, 1 knowledge of this entity of multiple congenital malformations has steadily expanded. Recently, it was suggested that malformation of external genitalia in males may be part of abnormalities found in this condition. 2 The following report describes a girl with vertebral defects, anal atresia, T-E fistula, renal defects, and radical limb dysplasia (VATER) association who, in addition, has severe malformations of the genitalia. Report of a Case .—A 4-year-old girl had been born six weeks prematurely and weighed 1,530 g. The mother had been 29 years of age and the father 31 years of age at the time of the patient's birth. The pregnancy had been complicated by spotting at seven or eight weeks. There was no history of exposure to teratogens and no family history of malformations. The mother had not taken contraceptive pills for two years prior to pregnancy. At birth, the

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