
Genistein is known as the major component of isoflavone, which is present in high-soy diets. Genistein has received much attention because of its chemopreventive and therapeutic effects on various types of cancers. Numerous studies have shown that genistein has antineoplastic effects against ovarian cancer. Several epidemiological studies have shown that women who have high consumption of isoflavones have a relatively low incidence of ovarian cancer. Genistein inhibits ovarian carcinogenesis by pleiotropic mechanisms. A higher affinity to estrogen receptor β is one probable explanation for its ability to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Genistein also targets multiple cellular signal transduction pathways associated with cell cycle regulation and apoptosis. In addition, genistein has been suggested to have antiangiogenic and antioxidant activities. Herein, we summarize recent results from epidemiological and experimental studies to identify the role of genistein in ovarian cancer. Further studies are needed to achieve conclusive results and determine the clinical applications of genistein.

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