
The main objective of this study was to amplify a gene from the decomposing fungus of the Aspergillus genre for the conversion of vegetable biomass into renewable energy. This fungus was grown in complete medium, pH 6.8 at 37ºC for 72 hours. Then, grown conidia were collected and suspended in 10mL of 0.85% saline + tween-80 and filtered. A sample of 2x107 conidia/mL was inoculated in complete liquid medium, and incubated under constant agitation for 72 hours at 37ºC. After mycelial growth, 1 g of the mycelium was used for the extraction of genomic DNA by the Quick-DNATM Kit. This extracted genomic DNA, which contains a gene under study, which encodes an enzyme with lignocellulolytic activity, was then amplified using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, which was approximately 2.0 Kb. This study may contribute to the development of a biotechnology for converting biomass into bioethanol, a renewable energy biofuel.

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