
Geographic patterns of genie differentiation were investigated in the commensal house mouse subspecies, M. m. domesticus. The analysis by protein electrophoresis of 40 populations throughout Europe, the Middle East and North Africa indicated that genie differentiation was not highly structured on a macrogeographic scale. Mean genie distances between regions showed, however, that populations fell into three levels of differentiation: a low level in southern Europe within which interregional distances were no larger than intraregional ones, an intermediate level between southern European populations and North European and African ones, and finally, a higher level between all the latter and the Middle Eastern populations. Gene flow estimates indicated that the homogeneity of southern European populations does not result from present high levels of gene flow, but more likely from a very recent ancestry. These data when argumented with the fossil records of mice from the Mediterranean Basin suggest a two-step colonization process, the most recent of which occurred very rapidly and resulted in the multiple founding of populations in southern Europe. The relationship of M. m. domesticus to other subspecies of mice is discussed in relation to introgression and taxonomy. Microdifferentiation patterns with low levels of within population substructuring and of gene flow suggest that genie differentiation in the western European house mouse is largely determined by genetic drift and/or founder effects. Although historical factors are determinant in the large scale patterns of genie variation in commensal house mice, dispersal by man no longer seems to be a prominent feature moulding the genetic structure of M. m. domesticus.

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