
The routine conventional phenotypic bacteriological tests available for pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) diagnosis, such as microscopy by Ziehl Neelsen staining, and Lowenstein Jensen method of solid culture, requires a long time for revealing positivity, resulting in a delayed diagnosis. After Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) genome was discovered, nucleic acid amplification techniques were developed with more rapid detection and identification of rifampicin resistance in respiratory and extra-pulmonary specimens. GeneXpert is a DNA-polymerase chain reaction technique based on NAA, which allows an accurate genotypic method for a quick diagnosis of PTB diagnosis. The aim of the study was to assess retrospectively the yield of genotypic assay GeneXpert in revealing multidrug resistant TB compare to phenotypic confirmation by solid culture. 512 patients with positive and negative smears of suspected PTB were investigated by conventional phenotypic assays. PTB diagnosis assessed by positive genotypic assay and confirmed by phenotypic conventional solid culture method was 78.12%. The yield of GeneXpert in revealing rifampicin resistance was high (n=79/512; 15.43%) with 12.5% additional resistance against isoniazid revealed by positive solid cultures and drug susceptibility test. GeneXpert assay is a very useful method for rapid detection of MTB and drug resistance, which facilitates timely diagnosis and appropriate management of pulmonary tuberculosis.

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