
Recurrent selection (RS) is a method of selection by crossing selected plants from s y stematic population to develop new superior population. The r ecurrent selection had been implemented in local varieties to produce drought tolerance and blast resistance of rice lines. This research was conducted at Experimental Station, Indonesian Center for Rice Research, Muara Bogor, West Java and Pondok Kelapa, Bengkulu, Indonesia. A number of F2 RS line used as based population and F3 populations had been identified. The potential of agronomic characteristics had produced some selected lines. There was an increase in the value of the average the number of filled grains/panicle which grain fertility was compared with its constituent elders. Selection based on plant height, the number of productive tiller s , the number of grains per panicle, the number of filled grain per panicle and grain weight/hill will be effective in early generations because it had high heritability values and broad genetic diversities. Further evaluation of lines should be arranged on the spe c ific environment in order to obtain superior lines as previously inte n ded.

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