
Guanine-rich DNA strands can fold into non-canonical four-stranded secondary structures named G-quadruplexes (G4s). G4s folded in proximal promoter regions (PPR) are associated either with positive or negative transcriptional regulation. Given that single nucleotide variants (SNVs) affecting G4 folding (G4-Vars) may alter gene transcription, and that SNVs are associated with the human diseases' onset, we undertook a novel comprehensive study of the G4-Vars genome-wide (G4-variome) to find disease-associated G4-Vars located into PPRs. We developed a bioinformatics strategy to find disease-related SNVs located into PPRs simultaneously overlapping with putative G4-forming sequences (PQSs). We studied five G4-Vars disturbing in vitro the folding and stability of the G4s located into PPRs, which had been formerly associated with sporadic Alzheimer's disease (GRIN2B), a severe familiar coagulopathy (F7), atopic dermatitis (CSF2), myocardial infarction (SIRT1)and deafness (LHFPL5). Results obtained in cultured cells for these five G4-Vars suggest that the changes in the G4s affect the transcription, potentially contributing to the development of the mentioned diseases. Collectively, data reinforce the general idea that G4-Vars may impact on the different susceptibilities to human genetic diseases' onset, and could be novel targets for diagnosis and drug design in precision medicine.

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