
Genetic variation within and between populations of Scutellaria slametensis Sudarmono & B.J.Conn and S. discolor Colebr. on Gunung Slamet (Jawa Tengah, Indonesia) are evaluated by allozyme electrophoresis. Gels stained by 4 enzyme systems, namely, Aspartate aminotransferase (Aat), Esterase (Est), Malate dehydrogenase (Mdh) and Peroxidase (Per), were used to evaluate the number of polymorphic loci. The mean of total number of observed alleles per locus (A) , mean of total number of effective alleles per locus (Ae), percentage of polymorphic loci (Pp%) , and-expected genetic heterozygosity (He) have been generated as parameters of genetic variation. The interpopulation genetic differentiation (FST) and estimated geographic distance between populations were used to evaluate the correlation between genetic differentiation and geographic effect. It was found that S. slametensis is genetically distinct from S. discolor (D = 1.4572). The mean genetic variation of S. slametensis (Pp = 75%,A = 2.00, HE = 0.450) is greater than that of S. discolor (Pp = 25%, , A = 1.25, HE = 0.125). Almost all loci of the latter species are monomorphic and homozygotic, especially population 9 near Baturaden (Pp = 0%, HE = 0; Allele frequencies all = 1). There is a moderately high degree of variation between populations of these two species (FST = 0.585, SE ± 0.092), whereas within-population variation is low (l-FsT= 0.415). Both species are out-breeding (at subpopulation level: FIS = -0.973, SE ± 0.015; and population level: FIT = 0.180, SE ± 0.183), with low levels of gene flow within and between populations (Nm = 0.249, SE ± 0.065). The cromosome number of S. slametensis and S. discolor is 2n = 24. Gardens' Bulletin Singapore, vol. 62 no. 1 2010. hal. 155-171

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