
1. This study investigated whether sand‐dune willow Salix cordata, exhibits genetic variation in resistance and tolerance to herbivory.2. A field experiment using cuttings from nine willow clones demonstrated genetic variation in resistance to the specialist herbivore Altica subplicata, as measured by beetle densities. Willow clones differed significantly in both total biomass and leaf trichome densities, and herbivore densities were marginally correlated with both of these parameters.3. Tolerance to herbivory was measured in a greenhouse experiment by comparing growth response of plants experiencing 50% artificial defoliation and plants experiencing no defoliation. Clones showed significant differences in tolerance to herbivory for some growth measures (changes in height and number of leaves), but not for other growth measures (stem diameter growth and final biomass).4. Despite the significant genetic variation in both resistance and tolerance, no trade‐off was found between resistance and tolerance to herbivory.

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