
In the present investigation 11 quantitative characters viz., days to 50% flowering, plant height, flag leaf length, flag leaf width, leaf length, leaf width, number productive tillers, panicle length, number of filled grain, thousand grain weight, single plant yield and 16 qualitative characters viz., Hulling percentage, milling percentage, kernel Length, kernel breadth, Length/breadth ratio, kernel length after cooking, kernel breadth after cooking, linear elongation ratio, breadth elongation ratio, cooking time, water up-take, volume expansion ratio, alkali spreading value, gel consistency, amylose content and head rice recovery were studied for ADT43/Seeragasamba cross derivatives in F8 generations. The quantitative characters had shown less difference between PCV and GCV. Out of eleven quantitative characters studied, five characters viz., Flag leaf length, Leaf length, number of productive tillers, thousand grain weight and single plant yield had shown high phenotypic coefficient variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient variation (GCV) along with high heritability(h2) and genetic advance (GAM). The quality characters viz., Alkali spreading value and gel consistency had shown high phenotypic coefficient variation (PCV) and genotypic coefficient variation (GCV) along with high heritability (h2) and genetic advance (GAM). These characters are less influenced by environment. The additive gene action governed the above-mentioned characters and additive gene actions are responsible for selection and is beneficial crop improvement programme.

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