
Currently, a lot of attention is given to SARS-CoV-2 subpopulations and their coexistence with different genomic variants within the same patient. In this study, we performed next-generation whole-genome sequencing and assembly of viruses from samples representing swabs or autopsy specimens obtained from patients diagnosed with СOVID-19, which were initially confirmed by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (Ct = 10.4–19.8). Samples were prepared for sequencing by using the SCV-2000bp protocol. The obtained data were checked for presence of more than one SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants in a sample. Variants of nucleotide substitutions, coverage for each variant, and location of the variable position in the reference genome were detected with tools incorporated in the CLC Genomics Workbench program. In our search for variable nucleotide positions, we assumed that the sample had two genetic variants (not more); the threshold value ≥ 90% was set for probability of the identified variant. Variants represented by less than 20% of the reads in the total coverage were not taken into consideration. The obtained results showed that 5 samples had variability, i.e. they had several genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2. In 4 samples, both of the detected genomic variants differed only in one nucleotide position. The fifth sample demonstrated more substantial differences: a total of 3 variable positions and one three-nucleotide deletion. Our study shows that different genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2 can coexist within the same patient.


  • Sembly of viruses from samples representing swabs or autopsy specimens obtained from patients diagnosed with СOVID-19, which were initially confirmed by the real-time polymerase chain reaction (Ct = 10.4–19.8)

  • Coverage for each variant, and location of the variable position in the reference genome were detected with tools incorporated in the CLC Genomics Workbench program

  • In our search for variable nucleotide positions, we assumed that the sample had two genetic variants; the threshold value ≥ 90% was set for probability of the identified variant

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Генетическая вариабельность SARS-CoV-2 в биологических образцах от пациентов г. The obtained data were checked for presence of more than one SARS-CoV-2 genetic variants in a sample. The obtained results showed that 5 samples had variability, i.e. they had several genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2. Our study shows that different genetic variants of SARS-CoV-2 can coexist within the same patient. For citation: Speranskaya A.S., Kaptelova V.V., Samoilov A.E., Bukharina A.Yu., Shipulina O.Yu., Korneenko E.V., Akimkin V.G. Genetic variability of SARS-CoV-2 in biological samples from patients in Moscow. Опубликованы зарубежные данные высокопроизводительного секвенирования ( generation sequencing, NGS) геномов SARS-CoV-2, из которых следовало, что на филогенетическом дереве последовательности делятся на две основные клады (линии/типы/генотипы), которые были названы L и S. Те же авторы выполнили биоинформатический анализ данных NGS РНК, выделенной из мазков от пациентов из Швейцарии, и обнаружили сосуществование различных вариантов генома SARS-CoV-2 внутри организма пациента.

Материалы и методы
Мутация белка Protein mutation
Белок Protein
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