
Hydrocarbon compositions and their carbon isotopic data for 94 natural gas samples were combined with the results of thermal simulation experiments to complete a comprehensive study of maturity, genetic types and sources of Lower Paleozoic marine hydrocarbon gases from the eastern Tarim Basin. All of the Lower Paleozoic gases are relatively dry (dryness coefficient >0.9) and belong to the marine sapropelic type of cracked gases. These gases are characterized by low δ 13 C 1 and low Δ(δ 13 C 2−δ 13 C 1) values due to a lack of terrestrial source input. Thermal simulation experiments on Upper Proterozoic to Lower Paleozoic source rocks resulted in a δ 13 C 1–R o regression equation that was used to discriminate the maturities and sources of the natural gases. These natural gases are divided into four genetic types: (1) humic, coal-derived pyrolytic gas; (2) lacustrine sapropelic oil-cracking gas; (3) the marine sapropelic, highly mature oil-cracking gas; and (4) overmature oil-cracking gas. Types (1) and (2) were mainly generated from the Upper Triassic-Middle and Lower Jurassic; types (3) and (4) are mainly generated from the Lower Paleozoic. The data can be used to describe multiple sources and multiple generating stages of natural gas.

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