
Malus sieboldii Rehd. exhibits high levels of resistance to Valsa canker caused by Valsa ceratosperma (Tode ex Fr.) Maire while cultivated apples (Malus domestica Borkh.) are susceptible to the disease. In this study, progenies from 23 full-sib families derived from both inter- and intra-specific hybridization among 16 Malus genotypes as parents were assessed for resistance to V. ceratosperma (Vc) for two seasons using an excised shoot assay to determine the pattern of inheritance of the resistance and to also estimate the variance components, narrow-sense heritability, and breeding values of parental genotypes. Generally, M. sieboldii × M. domestica and its reciprocal crosses had more resistant progenies to Vc than intra-specific crosses of M. domestica. Resistance to Vc expressed as the relative lesion length among progenies showed continuous variation irrespective of cross, suggesting the quantitative nature of the resistance to the three virulent isolates of Vc that were tested. Resistance to Vc using the progeny population was analyzed using a mixed linear model based on restricted maximum likelihood. The parental effect (general combining ability (GCA)) was significant while the interaction effect between parents (specific combining ability (SCA)) was relatively small and non-significant. The ratio of SCA/GCA variance was about 32%, suggesting that additive genetic variance had a major contribution to the total genetic variance for resistance to Vc. There was a positive correlation (r = 0.49, p < 0.01) between mid-parental GCA and SCA predictions among 23 full-sib families for the resistance. Narrow-sense heritability estimated by sib analysis was moderate \( \left( {{{\hat{h}}^2} = 0.29} \right) \). The predicted breeding values (BV) of the 16 parents indicated that M. sieboldii “Sanashi 63” and “Hayanarisanashi 1” would be useful for breeding for high levels of resistance to Vc.

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