
Abstract We screened 2628 normal individuals for antibodies binding to the mix of antigens in a human nuclear extract and identified 579 (26.05%) individuals with significant levels of IgG antibodies to self-antigens. Next, we analyzed 639 representative sera from ANA-, ANA+, ILE and SLEs on an autoantigen proteomic array, which identified 33 antigens strongly recognized by IgG autoantibodies in ANA+ group as compared to ANA- normals. Of these 33, 19 antigens were non-nuclear or cytoplasmic proteins and 14 were nuclear proteins, including known SLE associated antigens such as dsDNA and Histones. Antigen cluster analysis showed that DNA and RNA clusters are more frequent in SLE and ILE group, while matrix proteins and antiphospholipid antibodies clusters are more frequent in ANA+ normals. Next, all the individuals were genotyped with immunochip and subset by target sequencing. Quantitative genetic association test identified SNPs associated with ANA and auto-antigens. The strongest association signal was observed at HLA, where SNP rs3117103 near BTNL2, rs9268832 near HLA-DRA and rs2395252 in HLA-DQA2 gene showed strongest (10-7) association. Other signals were in/near BANK1, PTTG1 and CR1L genes. RNA sequencing analysis identified ANA risk alleles associated with up regulation of HLA-DRB1 in monocytes and BANK1 in B cells. Our data suggest that functional variations in or near HLA DRB1 and BANK1 gene may be associated with development of humoral autoimmunity in general population.

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