
The results of more than 20 years of studying a large set of chickpea accessions from many countries of the world are summarized. The sources and donors of early maturity, drought resistance, seed size, a number of economically valuable traits, increased protein content, improved technological indicators of seeds, tolerance to fusarium and ascochita diseases have been identified.The purpose and objectives of the study. In the conditions of the arid Steppe, identify sources and donors of economically valuable traits among the large volume of collection material, the best of which can be used in the breeding program.Materials and methods. During 1995–2020. in the arid conditions of the steppe zone of Ukraine, about 3 thousand chickpea genotypes were evaluated, which were obtained from the National Center for Genetic Resources of Ukraine (Kharkiv) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT, Patancheru, India). The experiments were carried out on the experimental fields of the Breeding and Genetic Institute (Odesa) and the Odesa State Agricultural Experimental Station of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine. In the field the collection forms were sown like a breeding nursery in two-meter rows with a row spacing of 45 cm. The standard variety was placed in 20 numbers. The protein content in seeds was determined by the Kjeldahl method, fat ‒ by the Ruszkowski method.Fusarium resistance was assessed at the early stages of seedling growth in laboratory conditions under artificially created infectious background.Results and discussion. The data obtained in the field indicate that the largest group of genotypes characterized by growing season of 81–100 days. The smallest group consisted of ultra-early maturing forms that matured in less than 75 days. Although in this group of ripeness, the maximum number of early flowering samples was revealed. Our observations did not establish a clear dependence of plant productivity on the duration of the "seedling – flowering" and "flowering – ripening" phases, although the group of highly productive forms is distinguished by a more extended "flowering – ripening" period. Samples were identified in which the weight of seeds per plant for a number of years exceeds 10 g per plant, which corresponds to a yield of about 3 t/ha. The genotypes characterized by an increased number of beans and seeds per plant, a more significant value of the weight of seeds per plant are described. 4 genotypes have been identified, in which two beans are formed in most of the nodes. Genetic analysis showed that this trait is determined by one recessive gene. A number of genotypes have been identified, the weight of 1000 seeds of which exceeded 600 g. Collection forms of chickpea are important for breeding, combining a high level of seed productivity with a weight of 1000 seeds over 400 g. High-protein samples are recommended for use in hybridization to create varieties with increased protein amount per unit area. Significant genotypic variability of water absorption by chickpea seeds was established at different temperature conditions. This process was more intensive in the genotypes NEC 1838 (Chile) and the sample from Italy. In laboratory conditions 27 forms revealed a high level of tolerance against the fusarium, while possessing a valuable complex of economically valuable traits. The drought-resistant genotypes described in India turned out to be ultra-early maturing and undersized under our conditions, although they formed large seeds. A brief description of 12 varieties of chickpea obtained during the period of these studies is given.Conclusions. As a result of the research carried out, donors and sources of the main economically valuable traits of chickpea have been identified and characterized, and those have been identified that have especially valuable complexes.The presence of genotypes from different geographic zones and genetic centers will allow more targeted breeding, especially in the creation of disease-resistant forms. The forms of chickpea described by us can be used in breeding by other scientific institutions in our country and abroad


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  • Temperature-stratified screening of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genetic resource collections reveals very limited reproductive chilling tolerance compared to its annual wild relatives

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A Perdo Se- ICC 14207 villano

Серед охарактеризованих зразків з екстракрупним насінням таку ознаку було відмічено в ICC 13787 і ICC 14926 також індійськими та сирійськими вченими [56], а в ICC 11742 – за умов Індії [57]. За крупністю насіння (понад 400 г) у цій групі зразків виділились лише три зразки – сорт місцевого походження Привозний, зразок із Мексики та афганський NEC 2638, маса 1000 насінин яких склала 450, 420 і 420 г відповідно. В результаті багаторічного вивчення колекційних зразків нуту виділено джерела підвищеної насіннєвої продуктивності, крупнонасінності, високого вмісту білка, толерантності проти збудників хвороб, покращених технологічних якостей насіння. Berger J.D., Kumar S., Nayyar H., Street K., Sandhu J.S., Henzell J.M., Clarke H.C. Temperature-stratified screening of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genetic resource collections reveals very limited reproductive chilling tolerance compared to its annual wild relatives. Bajaj D., Das S., Badoni S., Kumar V., Singh M., Bansal K.C., Parida S.K. Genome-wide high-throughput SNP discovery and genotyping for understanding natural (functional) allelic diversity and domestication patterns in wild chickpea.

Materials and methods
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