
The aim of the present study was to assess the relationships of lactose percentage (LP), lactose yield (LY), and freezing point (FRP) with minerals and coagulation properties predicted from mid-infrared spectra in bovine milk. To achieve this purpose, we analyzed 54,263 test-day records of 4,297 Holstein cows to compute (co)variance components with a linear repeatability animal model. Parity, stage of lactation, season of calving, and herd-test-date were included as fixed effects in the model, and additive genetic animal, within- and across-lactation permanent environment, and residual were included as random effects. Lactose percentage was more heritable (0.405 ± 0.027) than LY (0.121 ± 0.021) and FRP (0.132 ± 0.014). Heritabilities (± standard error) of predicted milk minerals varied from 0.375 ± 0.027 for Na to 0.531 ± 0.028 for P, and those of milk coagulation properties ranged from 0.348 ± 0.052 for rennet coagulation time to 0.430 ± 0.026 for curd firming time. Lactose percentage showed favorable (negative) genetic correlations with milk somatic cell score (SCS) and FRP, and it was almost uncorrelated with casein-related minerals (Ca and P) and coagulation properties. Moreover, LP was strongly correlated with Na (-0.783 ± 0.022), a mineral known to increase in the presence of intramammary infection (IMI) and high somatic cell count. Indeed, Na is the main osmotic replacer of lactose in mastitic milk when the blood-milk barrier is altered during IMI. Being strongly associated with milk yield, LY did not favorably correlate with coagulation properties, likely because of the negative correlation of this trait with protein and casein percentages. Milk FRP presented moderate and null genetic associations with Na and SCS, respectively. Results of the present study suggest that the moderate heritability of LP and its genetic correlations with IMI-related traits (Na and SCS) could be exploited for genetic selection against mastitis. Moreover, selection for LP would not impair milk coagulation characteristics or Ca and P content, which are important for cheesemaking.

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