
Genetic analysis based on more than 30 SSR (= "simple sequence repeats") markers made it possible to investigate several cultivars of the Pinot family and to describe the relationship between them and Pinot-related cultivars. The differentiation of Pinot blanc, Pinot gris and Pinot noir and different clones of them by SSR markers failed. Therefore it can be assumed that all Pinots are descended from the same genotype with only minor genetic differences. On the other hand polymorphism of Pinot clones could be obtained by applying 120 RAPD markers. Additionally, it was found that the cultivars Pinot noir precocce (early maturing) and Blauer Arbst have the same SSR profile as Pinots, and therefore they represent different types of the same cultivar. The cultivars Schwarzriesling (Müllerrebe), Farbklevner and Samtrot differ from the Pinot profile at the same loci. Therefore the cultivar Samtrot could be differentiated from Pinot as well as from Schwarzriesling by SSR markers and therefore can be considered a hairless mutation of Schwarzriesling. The profile of Schwarzriesling is very closely related to that of Pinot and together with Traminer it could be proposed that it is the origin of Pinot. Several other Pinot-related cultivars can be assumed as Pinot offspring. It can be supposed that Saint Laurent is a seedling of Pinot with unknown crossing partner. Aligote, Auxerrois, Melon, and Chardonnay represent white-berried seedlings of Pinot. Heunisch, an ancient cultivar could be proposed as the second partner for these crosses.

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