
This study aims to improve the estimates of fine-scale genetic diversity and to compare the population structure of Siniperca scherzeri with nuclear and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) markers. We first combined mtDNA sequences and seven microsatellite loci to examine the genetic diversity of S. scherzeri in China. Phylogenetic and nested clade analyses revealed two major mtDNA lineages and four subclades. Bayesian multilocus genotype clustering from the microsatellite loci revealed that regional divergence estimates were quantitatively congruent between marker classes. These lineages should be recognized as the basic evolutionary significant units for S. scherzeri in China. Contradict to the previous studies on Coreoperca whiteheadi and Siniperca chuatsi, neither the Nanling–Wuyi Mountain range nor the Qingling–Dabie Mountain range represented a major phylogeographic barrier for S. scherzeri. Our fine-scale analyses of the genetic population structure of S. scherzeri provided insights into the evolutionary processes that shaped the genetic heterogeneity of this fish. This study may serve as a basis for the protection, monitoring and breeding improvement of germplasm resources of this commercially important fish.

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