
Further studies about the amount of genetic load in the Korean Anyang and Cheju (Sughipo) Island populations of Drosophila melanogaster were performed. In total 1630 second chromosomes were extracted from the Anyang opulation between 1983 and 1985; 19.0 % of the chromosomes proved lethal, 8.8 % semilethal in homozygous condition. From the island oulation, 504 wild second chromosomes were analysed in 1986; 24.2 % were lethal, 4.6 % subleiaf A slight increase of lethal and semilethal frequencies between 1976 and 1986 can be observed. Mean viabilities of “all homozy-gotes”, “quasinormal-homozygotes”, and “random heterozygotes” were estimated from crossin experiments with marker strains. Random heterozygotes were always more viable than quasinormal homozygotes. An analysis for correlation between random heterozgous and homozygous viabilities gave values significantly different from zero only for the 1985 kyang sample (r =—0.4625, P < 0.01), but no significances could be observed for all other Anyang samples from 1983, 1984, and 1986, respectively. he effective population sizes were estimated to be between 2000 and 6300 individuals for the Anyan and 4200 individuals for the island population, using Nel's formula (1968). It is sugested that baknced natural selection is mainly responsible for the maintenance of genetic load in the Anyang natural populations of D. melanogaster.

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