
Cephalopods are a taxonomic group that contains a great number of families, genera and species, with many of them very important at the commercial level. The existence of very similar species in this class added up to the transformation process applied to them makes it difficult or even impossible for species identification based on morphological characterization. Moreover, the global commerce makes it possible that one determined species can be marketed in its antipodes. These questions suggest the necessity of molecular techniques to solve this situation. In the present work, a genetic method was developed on the basis of the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and forensically informative nucleotide sequencing (FINS) technique and makes possible the identification of more than 20 species belonging to the families Ommastrephidae and Loliginidae, as well as some octopus and sepia species. The PCR was employed to amplify 651 and 208 bp fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. These molecular systems were applied to fresh, frozen, precooked, even canned cephalopods, allowing for the identification of the species included in these products. Therefore, these molecular tools could be applied in questions related to correct labeling, traceability, and importation controls of squids, sepias, and octopuses.

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