
Population structure and genetic diversity of bronze featherback Notopterus notopterus, fish was not studied yet from Pakistan. So, genetic diversity and population structure of N. notopterus was analysed using two mitochondrial DNA genetic markers, ATPase 6/8 and Cytochrome b. 150 specimens were collected from five different rivers of Pakistan, resulting 56 haplotypes were detected for ATPase 6/8, Cytb and concatenated gene. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity for ATPase 6/8, Cytb and concatenated gene was observed below 1% among five natural populations of N. notopterus. ATPase 6/8 and Cytb genetic variance among populations was 6% and among and within individuals was 94%. Concatenated genetic variance among populations was 11%, among individual 5% and within individuals 84%. Fst value among all population was found 0.091 (p-value=0.02, p<0.05). The combined data set mean coefficient of genetic differentiation (FST) was 0.5572. The pair-wise FST was 0.000 (Chenab) to 0.88911 (Ravi). Maximum likelihood phylogeographic history of concatenated gene haplotypes showed four distinct diversified clusters. AMOVA, PCoA (Principal Coordinate Analysis) and maximum likelihood tree indicated that the natural populations of N. notopterus were comprised of four genetic stocks among five Pakistani rivers (Chenab, Indus, Jehlum, Ravi and Satluj). This study provides the higher level of genetic diversity with confirmatory proofs among genetic stocks of five natural populations of N. notopterus. The information of genetic diversity and genetic variation, from this research can be utilised to help conserve and manage the species in the wild.

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