
Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) is a green leafy medicinal and aromatic plant belonging to Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family widely used as spice and medicine. In order to evaluate the genetic diversity in different landraces of dill based on morphological traits and molecular markers, the seeds of 37 accessions collected from different areas of Iran in addition to one European accession were cultured. Based on morphological traits assessment, the highest correlation coefficients were observed among the days to primary and secondary flowers which were 0.98. Cluster analysis classified the accessions of A. graveolens into four main groups. Cluster analysis framed by morphological traits was performed using Ward’s cluster analysis and upon molecular markers the UPGMA and Jaccard’s similarity coefficients was carried out in cluster analysis appeared by amplified fragement length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Twenty 5-mer primers were used and 355 bands were detected with138 loci (39.8%) polymorphic. Principal coordinates analysis showed that 13 factors justified 69% of data variations. Mantel statistics revealed that the dendrogram was in conformity with similarity matrices (r=0.8). Results of cluster analysis showed that genetic diversity expressed by morphological traits and molecular markers did not completely correlate with geographical region.

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