
Delphinium staphisagria is an endemic annual or biennial herb from the Mediterranean Basin, widely distributed in isolated populations of variable size. We evaluated the allozyme diversity of 31 populations along its distribution range via starch gel electrophoresis, assaying 12 enzyme systems and scoring 17 loci. The low levels of genetic variability detected (A = 11.8, A(p) = 1.6, H(o) = 0.026, H(e) = 0.057), are discussed in relation to the life-history traits of the species, such as short life-span, selfing or gravity seed dispersion. Other factors influencing genetic diversity, such as evolutionary history and spreading are also considered. Due to its historical medicinal uses, this plant has probably become widespread in the Mediterranean area. Human-mediated distribution could have promoted few migrant genotypes, recent founder events and long distance dispersal. These events would explain the genetic homogeneity found within and among populations, as well as the absence of a clear biogeographic structure. The limited genetic variability, the high genetic similarity among populations and the dysploidy of this species make it worthy of conservation. Management strategies are proposed mainly to preserve its genetic pool.

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