
Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Barley Cultivars Released in Turkey and Bulgaria using iPBS-retrotransposon and SCoT markers


  • The average polymorphic band number was found as 24.09 The polymorphism ratios of the Inter primer binding site (iPBS) and start codon targeted (SCoT) markers was identified as 93.9%and 97.8%, respectively

  • Genetic diversity studies with 530 polymorphic bands obtained from 4 SCoT and 18 iPBS markers recommended that the commercial barley cultivars had high genetic variation due to different sources

  • In the current study, 54 barley cultivars were characterized by 18 iPBS and four SCoT markers and 530 polymorphic bands were produced

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Materials and Methods

Genomic DNA of the cultivars was extaracted using a cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB) method, indicated by Oliver et al (2010). Polymorphism information content (PIC) values were calculated for each iPBS and SCoT markers using the formula described by Weir (1996) using a web based (https://www.gene-calc.pl/pic) software. A dendrogram was created based on an unweighted pair-group mean average (UPGMA) tree using NTSYSpc (Rohlf 1998) and effective allele numbers (ne), Nei’s gene diversity (h) (Kimura & Crow 1964) and Shannon information index (I) (Lewontin 1972) were calculated using POPGEN32 software (v3.2 Microsoft Windows-Based Freeware for Population Genetics Analysis) (Yeh et al 2000). The ΔK method was implemented by STRUCTURE HARVESTER v0.6.94 web based software was used to determine K value that best fit the data (Evanno et al 2005)

Results and Discussion
46 Bolayır
54 Bayrak
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