
A study of genetic divergence in 40 brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) genotypes for various characters to study the diversity based on qualitative and quantitative characters. Significant variations were observed among the brinjal lines for all the parameters under study. Based on D2 values, the accessions were grouped into seven clusters. Average intra- and inter-cluster D2 values among 40 genotypes revealed that cluster II showed a minimum intra-cluster value of 3.793, indicating that the genotypes within this cluster were similar, while the cluster I showed maximum intra-cluster D2 value (4.681) revealing the existence of diverse genotypes in these clusters. The inter-cluster D2 values ranged from 4.657 to 7.174. The minimum inter-cluster D2 value was observed between cluster III and IV (4.657), indicating the close relationship among the genotypes included in these clusters. The maximum inter-cluster value was observed between cluster V and II (7.174), indicating that the genotypes included in these clusters had maximum divergence. Hence, hybridization between the genotypes included in these different clusters may give high heterotic responses and thus better segrigants are greatly suggested for selection and improvement of brinjal crop with good consumer preference and high fruit yield.

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