
In the present investigation an attempt has been made to evaluate the eighteen released and common knowledge varieties of tossa jute to study the genetic divergence and association of different component characters associated with fibre yield. The experimental materials were grown in Randomized Block Design with three replications at Central Research Institute for Jute & Allied Fibres, Baarrackpore, India during 2009-10 for recording data of eight yield and quality contributing characters viz ., plant height, basal diameter, node no., fibre weight, stick weight, fibre strength, fibre fineness and fibre percentage. High heritability with high genetic advance exhibited by plant height, fibre strength, fibre fineness, fibre weight and basal diameter indicated the influence of mainly additive gene action. All the varieties irrespective of their origin were grouped into 5 different clusters. The clustering pattern revealed meager amount of genetic diversity between the varieties studied in tossa jute. Inter-cluster distance was maximum between I and IV. Fibre fineness, fibre %, stick weight and basal diameter were the potent characters that influence the genetic diversity. Plant height, node number, basal diameter, stick weight, fibre fineness and fibre percentage had significant and positive correlation with fibre weight. Only character fibre strength exhibited negative correlation.

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