
Five Acacia species: Acacia Tortilis ssp. radiana, Acacia farnesiana, Acaciastenophylla, Acacia sclerospermaand Acacia saligna were used in the current research.Morphological, biochemical and molecular markers used to describe the genetic variations amongAcacia species. Data showed highly significant differences among the five species concerning themorphological parameters. Acacia Tortilis ssp. Radiana collected from (Siwa Oasis and Borg Al-Arab city) showed the highest values comparing with other species. The highest values for spinelength (mm) were 28.75 and 19.25 mm, in respect. The lowest mean value 6.50 mm was recordedin Acacia farnesianafor Leaf length (cm) data showed that Acacia sclerosperma and Acacia salignahave the highest mean values (19.25 and 26.08 cm). While the lowest leaf length (2.85 cm) wasrecorded in Acacia Tortilis ssp. Radiana collected from Siwa.One cathode common band (Pex.C1) was found for all the species. While, five anodal(Pex.A1; Pex.A2; Pex.A3, Pex.A4 and Pex.A5) bands were recorded for all species in differentmolecular weights. (Pex.A2, Pex.A3 and Pex.A5) was recorded in Acacia tortilisssp. radiana(Siwa), (Pex.A2,andA4) were recorded in Acacia tortilis ssp. radiana (Borg Al-Arab).In molecular markers measured, out of 156 fragments, 5 fragments were produced for theprimer OPA-18 in the six samples of Acacia species with molecular weights ranging from 251 to 832bp. and polymorphism (40%). While, 18 fragments were observed with OPB-03 primer (11 unique)and 3 polymorphic with polymorphism (93.3%). Ten fragments with molecular weights from 326 to1503 bp were recorded for OPC-02 primer and (70 %) polymorphism. Eleven fragments with widemolecular weight range extended from 299 to 3178 bp recorded to OPD-03. This primer revealed(72.7%) polymorphism. Finally, primer OPE-12 gave nine fragment bands with 77.8 %polymorphism.

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