
Nine non-combined DNA index system tetranucleotide short tandem repeat (STR) loci D2S1772, D6S1043, D7S3048, D8S1132, D11S2368, D12S391, D13S325, D18S1364, and GATA198B05 were amplified in a multiplex polymerase chain reaction system. The distribution of alleles of the nine STRs was reported from a Chinese Han population in Guangdong Province, Southern China. The combined power of exclusion in trios and duos for the nine loci was 0.999981 and 0.999025, respectively. Mutation rates range from 0 to 0.005618. Pairwise analysis of linkage disequilibrium, which included PowerPlex 16 System loci, did show statistically significant deviation from independence even though loci locate on the same chromosomes. The nine STRs are highly informative and suitable to extend the results obtained with other STRs commonly analyzed for difficult paternity and kinship analysis.

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