
The codon-degeneracy model (CDM) predicts that patterns of nucleotide substitution in protein-coding genes are largely determined by the relative frequencies of four-fold (4f), two-fold, and non-degenerate sites, the attributes of which are determined by the structure of the governing genetic code. The CDM thus further predicts that genetic codes with alternative structures will “filter” molecular evolution differentially. A method, therefore, is presented by which the CDM may be applied to the unique structure of any genetic code. The mathematical relationship between the proportion of transitions at 4f degenerate nucleotide sites and the transition-to-transversion ratio is described. Predictions for five individual genetic codes, relative to the relationship between code structure and expected patterns of nucleotide substitution, are clearly defined. To test this “filter” hypothesis of genetic codes, simulated DNA sequence data sets were generated with a variety of input parameter values to estimate the relationship between patterns of nucleotide substitution and best-fit estimates of transition bias at 4f degenerate sites for both the universal genetic code and the vertebrate mitochondrial genetic code. These analyses confirm the prediction of the CDM that, all else being equal, even small differences in the structure of alternative genetic codes may result in significant shifts in the overall pattern of nucleotide substitution.

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