
There is limited genetic information relating calving difficulty and body weights to other productive and reproductive traits. Such information is useful for specifying selection criteria and for predicting economic consequences of selection. Genetic, maternal, and environmental covariances of six productive and reproductive measurements with calving difficulty, birth weight, 200-d weight, and 168-d postweaning gain were estimated in 12 experimental populations of cattle. Calf (direct) genetic effects resulting in longer gestation length were associated with increased calving difficulty and birth weight. Maternal genetic effects of increased gestation length and heavier birth weight were significantly associated. Lighter birth weight and reduced calving difficulty were associated with earlier heifer age at puberty. Increases in direct genetic effects of calving difficulty, 200-d weight, and postweaning gain were associated with a small increase in direct effect of scrotal circumference. Increased direct genetic effects of scrotal circumference were correlated with maternal effects decreasing calving difficulty and increasing 200-d weight. Direct effects of the skeletal measurements, yearling hip height, and heifer pelvic area were positively correlated with direct effects of calving difficulty, birth weight, 200-d weight, and postweaning gain, positively correlated with maternal effects for birth weight and 200-d weight, and negatively correlated with maternal calving difficulty. Percentage of retail product was positively associated with calving difficulty and negatively associated with 168-d gain. Predicted genetic change in calving difficulty resulting from one standard deviation of selection for either calving difficulty score or birth weight was much larger than for any other traits. Selection for 200-d weight, 168-d postweaning gain, hip height, pelvic area, or scrotal circumference was predicted to have opposite effects on direct and maternal calving difficulty. Estimated genetic correlations indicate some small to moderate relationships between calving difficulty and the measured productive and reproductive traits. However, selection for reduced calving difficulty should be based on calving difficulty score and(or) birth weight because of their superiority in predicted genetic change.

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