
The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest associated with this publication. The data that support the findings of this study are openly available in National Center for Biotechnology Information at https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/, reference number MN432490, MT926123. Figure S1 Histologic appearance of a typical infected Banggai cardinalfish from the BCIV-2010 case. (a) and (b) Spleen: Basophilic inclusion bodies in megalocytic cells whose morphology is often obscured. Foci of necrosis within intervening pulp areas. (c) and (d) Kidney: Basophilic inclusion bodies in megalocytic cells within foci of interstitial haematopoietic necrosis. (e) and (f) Intestine: Basophilic inclusion bodies in megalocytic perivascular cells but minimal mucosal reaction. Pigmentation within normal limits. Original magnifications: (a, c) 100×, (d, e) 200×, (b, f) 400×; H&E stain. Figure S2 Conventional PCR results of the Banggai cardinalfish case from 2000 (BCIV-2000) using the MCV-F/R primers (Koda et al., 2018) and a 100 bp ladder. (a) a single positive band for BCIV-2000 at the 173 bp position. Samples (b) and (c) are negative and correspond to the extraction control and negative template control, respectively. (d) a single bright band at the 173 bp position, representing the positive control for the MCV assay. Table S1 Genome annotation of the Banggai cardinalfish iridovirus from 2012 (BCIV-2012). Table S2 Genome annotation of the Banggai cardinalfish iridovirus from 2017 (BCIV-2017). Please note: The publisher is not responsible for the content or functionality of any supporting information supplied by the authors. Any queries (other than missing content) should be directed to the corresponding author for the article.

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