
Abstract The aquaculture industry in Norway is now focused on developing economically viable farming based on the Atlantic cod, Gadus morhua. Extensive research has been carried out on this species for the past two decades, much of it in connection with stock enhancement. Until now, most of the intensive cage culture has been based on wild broodstock. However, a future cod aquaculture industry must be based on a domesticated broodstock, and the initial selection of wild cod becomes an important issue. Genetic differentiation between coastal cod populations in Norway has been reported, and it is of interest to evaluate offspring from some of these populations under farmed conditions. Live mature cod were collected at four selected spawning sites along the Norwegian coast (Porsangerfjord, Tysfjord, Herøy/Helgeland, and Øygarden). The fish were transported to Parisvatnet, a cod aquaculture facility west of Bergen, where they were kept in net pens. Individual tagging and extensive sampling (blood, white muscle, and fin clips) for genetic characterization were carried out. Each potential broodstock fish was genotyped at the haemoglobin and pantophysin I loci in addition to five allozyme (LDH-3∗, GPD∗, IDH-2∗, PGM∗, PGI-1∗) and ten microsatellite loci (Gmo2, Gmo3, Gmo8, Gmo19, Gmo34, Gmo35, Gmo36, Gmo37, Gmo132, Tch11). Comparison of allele frequencies revealed significant genetic differences among some of the coastal cod samples, and offspring performance of the broodstock is now being compared under farmed conditions. The overall test revealed significant genetic differences among the coastal broodstocks, with the HbI, PanI and the microsatellite Gmo132 loci being most informative.

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