
Seven crosses, involving either nondormant × dormant or dormant × dormant pure lines of wild oats (Avena fatua L.), were made. Selfing of the hybrid and further hybridization were carried out to produce the F2 and reciprocal backcross generations. The seed germination time-course curves of the parents, their F1, and segregating generations over a 20-week period were studied. Differences in time course of germination in these generations were interpreted in terms of a minimum of three interacting loci. Two pure lines, AN51 and MO73, differed in their response to sodium azide, a respiratory inhibitor, with the former being more responsive. In crosses between these lines, the F1 seeds were also more responsive when AN51 was used as the maternal parent. This differential response of two dormant pure lines and their reciprocal F1s suggests maternal influence in germination response to sodium azide.

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