
Fifty-two rough Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) isolates from broilers and the environment were characterized for their serological and genotypic properties. Under routine diagnostic serotyping methods such isolates lack the immuno-reactivity of the O-chain of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and are referred to as non-typeable. Using a modified slide agglutination method, the isolates could be differentiated into three different serological variants. Twenty-six isolates (50%) were defined as semi-rough, nineteen isolates (37%) as deep-rough, four isolates (8%) as rough and three isolates could not be assigned. Genetically, all semi-rough isolates lacked the wzyB gene encoding the O-antigen polymerase. Two isolates carried a frameshift mutation in wzyB. In 15 of 23 cases deep-rough or rough isolates had a single point mutation, a single – or double-nucleotide insert or deletion in the wbaP gene. The mutational changes lead to expression of truncated (premature) protein, resulting in the loss of the immuno-reactive O-chain. Both rough and smooth S. Enteritidis isolates showed identical or highly similar XbaI-PFGE profiles. Our results indicate that the loss of a functional LPS in S. Enteritidis isolates is caused by a variety of different mutation events within the wzyB (semi-rough) or the wbaP (deep-rough) gene and is not a result of a vertical spread of a specific S. Enteritidis subtype. The defect of the LPS may be a common evolutionary mechanism through which host defence can be escaped.

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