
The paper presents data on the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and depicts various molecular mechanisms for the development of SLE and lupus-like syndromes. It describes groups of diseases, such as apoptotic defects; NETosis; interferonopathies; complement deficiency; autotolerance disorders associated with mutations in the RAG1/RAG2 genes; hereditary metabolic diseases (prolidase deficiency, deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2; lysinuric protein intolerance; and α-mannosidase deficiency). The table summarizes clinical data on most of the known lupus-like syndromes and their molecular mechanisms.The pathogenesis of many forms of monogenic lupus-like diseases is being studied. The main sign suggesting in favor of the possible monogenic disease in a patient with SLE is its onset in infancy, especially in males. Attention should be also paid to a compromised family history, including to the marriage between close relatives, the resistance of disease to standard therapy, as well as atypical symptoms.


  • The paper presents data on the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and depicts various molecular mechanisms for the development of SLE and lupus-like syndromes. It describes groups of diseases, such as apoptotic defects; NETosis; interferonopathies; complement deficiency; autotolerance disorders associated with mutations in the RAG1/RAG2 genes; hereditary metabolic diseases

  • The main sign suggesting in favor of the possible monogenic disease in a patient with SLE is its onset in infancy, especially in males

  • Кучинская Е.М. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1383-3373 Суспицын Е.Н. https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9764-2090 Костик М.М. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1180-8086

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Генетические аспекты патогенеза системной красной волчанки у детей

В статье приведены данные о патогенезе системной красной волчанки (СКВ), описаны различные молекулярные механизмы развития СКВ и волчаночноподобных синдромов. The paper presents data on the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and depicts various molecular mechanisms for the development of SLE and lupus-like syndromes. It describes groups of diseases, such as apoptotic defects; NETosis; interferonopathies; complement deficiency; autotolerance disorders associated with mutations in the RAG1/RAG2 genes; hereditary metabolic diseases (prolidase deficiency, deficiency of adenosine deaminase 2; lysinuric protein intolerance; and α-mannosidase deficiency). Помимо «классической» СКВ с неменделевским типом наследования существуют так называемые моногенные волчанки (точнее, моногенные волчаночноподобные заболевания). В патогенезе СКВ играют роль как нарушение процессов апоптоза в целом (для любых клеток организма), так и связанные с этим аномалии созревания клеток иммунной системы. Нетоз (NETosis) – особая форма клеточной смерти нейтрофила, сопровождающаяся образованием внеклеточной нейтрофильной ловушки

Дефективный апоптоз
Провоспалительные Профессиональные цитокины
Хроническая гранулематозная болезнь
Возможная клиническая картина
Врожденный дефицит компонентов комплемента
Дефицит пролидазы
Лизинурическая непереносимость белка
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