
Genomic comparison between apes and humans have made important contributions to our understanding of human evolution. The modern period of karyological comparisons between humans and other primates began about forty years ago and has been marked by a series of technical revolutions. In the 1960s pioneering genetic and chromosomal comparisons of human and great apes suggested, as had Darwin a century before, that our closest relative were the African apes. Early immunological analyses placed human/apes divergence at about five million year ago. Acceptance of man’s late divergence from the African apes was delayed by the scarcity of paleontological evidence coupled with a fallacious Asiatic origin hypothesis of the hominoids. Chromosome banding techniques in the seventies and high resolution methods in the eighties allowed a detailed comparison of the chromosomes between closely related primates and reinforced the hypothesis of an African origin for humans. It was clearly shown that humans were more closely related to African apes than to the orang-utan. The last decade has seen a vigorous integration of molecular and cytogenetic. This powerful combination promises to be quite fruitful because chromosomes can be compared directly at the DNA level. Fluorescentin situ hybridisation (FISH), chromosome painting, is a colourful technique for establishing chromosomal homology between species. Results obtained by FISH over the last ten years have resolved the cytogenetic problem of the homology between humans, apes, hylobates and Old World monkeys and defined the chromosomal syntenies and major translocations involved in the genome evolution of higher primates.

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