
Genetic and phenotypic correlations between milk coagulation properties (MCP: coagulation time and curd firmness), milk yield, fat content, protein content, ln(somatic cell count) (SCS), casein content, and pH of milk and heritability of these traits were estimated from data consisting of milk samples of 4664 Finnish Ayrshire cows sired by 91 bulls. In addition, differences in average estimated breeding values (EBV) for the above traits between the cows with noncoagulating (NC) milk and those with milk that coagulated (CO samples) were examined. The estimations were carried out to study the possibilities of indirect genetic improvement of MCP by use of the above characteristics. The genetic and phenotypic correlations between MCP and the milk production traits were low or negligible. The genetic associations between desirable MCP and low SCS were rather strong (-0.45 to 0.29). Desirable MCP correlated both genetically and phenotypically with low pH of milk (-0.51 to 0.50). The rather high heritability estimates for curd firmness in different forms (0.22 to 0.39), and the wide variation in the proportion of daughters producing NC milk between the sires (0 to 47%) suggested that noncoagulation of milk is partly caused by additive genetic factors. Based on the genetic correlations between curd firmness and SCS and the high EBV for SCS obtained for the cows with NC-milk, it is possible that the loci causing noncoagulation of milk and increasing somatic cell count of milk are closely linked or partly the same. One means to genetically improve MCP and to reduce the occurrence of NC milk could thus be selection for low somatic cell count of milk.

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